Sole Source Underwater Construction offers turn-key carbon fiber reinforcement solutions, from inspection to planning to setup to installation.

In addition, we offer routine improvement services. While the carbon fiber reinforcements require little maintenance, the technology is rapidly evolving and improving. As new polymers become available, we can update our work to increase tensile strength and resilience. 

A Cutting-Edge Development in Underwater Construction

Within the last decade, carbon fiber reinforcement has become the industry standard for its durability, cost effectiveness, and efficiency. Our carbon fiber wrapping services will result in the underlying structure becoming ten times stronger than a traditional steel reinforcement, without adding weight or altering its appearance. Furthermore, we will be able to do the work at a fraction of the time and cost.

Potential Uses

Carbon fiber wrapping’s applications are as diverse as they are effective. We have effectively deployed carbon fiber reinforce solutions for:

Why Sole Source?

We possess the most experience, expertise, and connections in the industry, allowing us to offer the most economic, effective, and advanced carbon wire reinforcement services to our clients.  Whether you need a carbon fiber solution for a bridge, railroad, or custom column, Sole Source will be the best contractor.

Our Experience

Our experience with carbon fiber dates back in the early-2000’s, when we used it to reinforce cement columns for bridges located in tidal zones. Their long-term performance impressed us, and we ultimately decided to expand the service offering to other projects including rebuilding, rehab, reinforcement, and construction.  We have spent the last decade honing our craft, and now are one of the leading regional contractors for carbon fiber wrapping. We work with the top polymer manufactures to create proprietary, customized solutions for our clients.